3 common urine-related problems in men

Most people are embarrassed by bodily fluids and would prefer to avoid discussing the matter with their doctor – but there is nothing to be ashamed of here doctors have heard it all before anyway. If you're concerned about men's urine health (or are just weirdly interested, we don't judge), you've come to the right place. Below we have listed three of the most common urine-related health problems found in men. Ready? Let's dive into it.

1. A weak flow
Having a weak flow or difficulty urinating altogether can be the result of an enlarged prostate gland.  Normally, this gland is walnut-sized and doesn't cause any problems, but once it swells up it can inhibit normal urine flow which leads to the above symptoms. Several risk factors come into play here, such as previously having an infection, taking antihistamines, or being immune-compromised.

Treatment for such ailments usually involves a catheter, which is a device that gets inserted into a body cavity to remove liquid – so it makes sense that they are used to help people with abnormal urination habits. If you'd like to know more check out these urinary catheters FAQs

2. Excessive urination
If you find yourself needing to urinate more than usual you may have a condition known as overactive bladder. This condition causes your bladder to contract involuntarily despite it not being filled and this results in the urge to urinate (a lot!). Leakage can occur too due to bladder contractions and an external catheter, such as Men's Liberty, will collect that to prevent future embarrassment.

Another reason for excessive urination is that you do not successfully empty your bladder during bathroom visits. This in turn, causes your bladder to refill fast, leading to you needing to go again shortly after.  Diseases such as bladder cancer, diabetes, and certain neurological conditions can damage the nerves in your bladder and lead to frequent urination and/or incontinence. Less expected causes include drinking too many caffeinated beverages or using diet pills.

3. Nighttime urination
Waking up in the middle of the night to urinate is not usually a cause of concern if it is just a one time thing. Diseases like diabetes can again be blamed here, as well as taking diuretics at bedtime. Diuretics are known as ‘water pills'. They are types of medication that increase the amount of salt and water exiting the body and they are typically prescribed as treatment for patients with high blood pressure or other conditions. There also may be a simpler cause such as merely drinking a bit too much water before bed. Seek medical advice if you frequently urinate at night despite cutting back on fluids and diuretics.

To summarize
These common urine problems are usually benign and nothing to worry about. It is recommended that you do consult a physician though as the problem may not go away on its own – and complications can occur as a result of you not seeking treatment early on.

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