Consumer Trends For 2022

It is no longer a novelty that consumer trends have been successfully updated over the past few months. We will probably never go back to the life we ​​had before March 2020 but maybe, it can be even better, with a positive outlook. That's exactly why we see so many phrases like “The New Normal” stamped on advertising campaigns and behavior studies. Because of Coronavirus, it was necessary to include social isolation in our routines and, as a result, many companies closed their doors. On the other hand, this situation also forced the evolution and creativity of other institutions, which were forced to reinvent themselves in order to continue their activities and maintain their revenues.

Photo: Unsplash

The sentence above was taken from the study “Consumer of the future 2022”, which was released online this month, and brings insights into the new sentiments and profiles of this post-pandemic consumer. In this text, we will briefly analyze this and other research. In addition to presenting some examples of initiatives that took place in the midst of the “new normal” and which intend to change not only the way of consumption, but also the format of marketing and how we shop.

Coronavirus hit the accelerator

In fact, many trends that were predicted for the next few years needed to come forward. Therefore, the consumption of information, services and products related to health, well-being and financial security has grown. As for marketing, actions focused on increasing the feeling of security and well-being and promoting tranquility can be part of the strategy to increase the lead's trust in your brand. Sustainability is a huge factor also of course. 

The planet

The search for sustainability and conscientious consumption did not appear yesterday. But why are these trends being so highlighted in this new scenario? Studies show that people have finally begun to act on trends that were once just talked about, “little lip service”. Furthermore, the brands, and we mean, big international brands. They also stopped to rethink the volume of content and products produced in their launches, and announced some cuts. Yves Saint Laurent and Gucci, for example, abandoned the famous fashion calendar. They announced that they will no longer have 4 shows per year, but only two. Adaptation to climate change, scarcity of resources and climate gentrification are huge. 


There will be greater income polarization and economic inequality – or the gap between rich and poor – is likely to grow. We know that technology is still driving us forward, and technological power, in fact, the growth of TikTok is there to prove it to us. In addition, population aging was also mentioned in the study, which could bring generational conflict, as the young population will have to bear the costs to ensure greater care for the elderly. So what else are people doing? Investing? Some are cautious whilst others jump on the bandwagon. Real estate is booming in many ways, whilst other people feel it’s too risky. 

Polarization of consumers with a care of value / prices

As a result of COVID-19, most consumers have seen their “real” income reduced.  Among the most affected are people with lower incomes, as they experienced the greatest impacts on their employment status and the most significant reduction in their income.  Therefore they do not have the money to consume anything. So making things more affordable is important but not profitable or even possible for businesses that have lost money. So in many ways the situation is bleak for both sides. 

Due to the context, many consumers have made purchases online. However, today they seek to combine those experiences with physical ones, which an omnichannel consumer anticipates. A study found that online shopping penetration is medium-high. With approximately two-thirds of these consumers generated in the pandemic. The evaluation of the online shopping experience during this period is very satisfactory. Which indicates a potential for this modality to continue later. Online shopping without a doubt is the biggest consumer trend of this decade so far. 

Concern for health and well-being, although not yet transferred to spending

Greater awareness of health, wellness and sustainability is highlighted in all consumers. According to the study carried out, 52% affirmed that they care more about their health. And of these, 40% report having made changes towards a healthier diet. However this has not yet been fully seen. But many governments are rolling out campaigns to help people make better life decisions. And therefore become healthier and consume healthier products. 

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