How to Treat Your Dog's Allergies

Pets, just like humans, suffer from allergies. Seasonal allergies can hinder your dog's quality of life, and if you start to recognize the symptoms of an allergy, treat it immediately. There are many ways you can treat your dog's allergies, from homeopathic to pharmaceutical, and this page will endeavour to tell you all of them. The first thing you should do when you notice your dog is suffering from the symptoms of an allergy is to take them to a veterinarian. You must ensure that they are suffering from an allergy and nothing more insidious.
With so many ways to treat your dog's allergies, it is easy to become confused. Here are some of the best that have been recommended by the professionals.
How to Identify Dog Allergies
Although it was suggested to see a veterinarian in the introduction, there are a few ways you can tell if your dog is suffering from allergies, but you should still take them in anyway. There are four main types of allergies that your dog can suffer from; the first, Atopy, is an environmental allergy, which means that your dog is allergic to allergens in the air they breathe. The other three, are flea, contact, and food.
The most common symptom will be itching, which will begin seasonally, and is how you can identify between other types of allergens. The symptoms of an atopic allergy are scratching, chewing fur and skin, biting, and itching.
If your pup begins exhibiting any of the aforementioned symptoms after a seasonal change, the likelihood that it is experiencing an allergic reaction is very high. Allergic reactions are quite common, and you should not panic. Most pet owners get a bit squeamish when their pet is displaying signs of being in pain or uncomfortable, but allergies are not something to worry about and can be treated quite easily.
Administer CBD Oil
Cannabidiol, or CBD oil, is a component of the cannabis plant, and a powerful antihistamine. It is commonly used in humans in homeopathic medicine and can be wonderful in treating your pet, with it having many other benefits outside of allergies. CBD oil can help to regulate the histamines in your pet's bloodstream and can work as a detoxifying agent and remove allergens from your pet. CBD oil can also contribute to reducing symptoms of anxiety, fighting cancer, and work as an anti-epileptic. Consult your veterinarian if you are going to consider treating your dog with CBD oil.

Wipe Your Pet After Walks
One way you can help to reduce the likelihood of your pet having an allergic reaction is to wipe them down after they return from a walk. Running around outside and in fields is a guaranteed way to pick up harmful allergens, and by wiping your pet down with a damp cloth you will be able to remove some of them, and hopefully prevent your pet from having a reaction. If you make a habit out of doing this, you should hopefully see a reduction in allergic reactions and will be keeping your dog nice and clean.
Use a Hypoallergenic Shampoo
Hypoallergenic shampoos can be fantastic for reducing the likelihood of allergic reactions. Even if you wipe your pet down after every single walk, there is still a chance that they may pick up allergens and carry them on their coat. Washing them with a hypoallergenic shampoo should hopefully remove any allergens still clinging on, and much the same as the last point, keep them nice and clean. With shampoos, it is important you find one that is suited to your dog's coat, as pet shampoos come in different shapes and sizes. Ask at a local pet store if the one you have in mind is appropriate.
Give Your Dog Antihistamines
The first thing that we do as humans when we notice an allergic reaction is to take an antihistamine. This also works in dogs. Before you give your dog an antihistamine, you should ask your veterinarian if it is safe. Some antihistamines that humans take are not safe for your pets or will be too strong for them. Human medication should never be given to your pet without verification from your veterinarian first. Do not risk overdosing them and just be patient. If your veterinarian is not on duty, you can likely find an out of hours clinic that should be able to advise you.
Assuming you can act preemptively, then you should be able to find antihistamines safe for your dog at a local pet store. Prevention is always better than cure.
Now you know some of the best ways to treat your dog's allergies! You should always keep some medicine lying around just in case of a bad reaction, as while they are not often life-threatening, they can make your dog's life very uncomfortable.
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