Causes of Low Testosterone: What affects male hormone the most?
Lowered testosterone levels impact 4 to 5 million men in the United States, as this crucial hormone starts to lessen in production after hitting the age of 30.
For some men, the decrease is minimal, and life carries on as usual for years. However, around 19 to 39 percent of older men have lowered testosterone levels that become problematic for them. They experience symptoms like:
- decreased energy
- a lesser libido
- loss of muscle mass
- infertility
- hair loss or slower hair growth
- loss of bone density
- gynecomastia (enlarged male breasts
In recent years, people have turned to using Human Growth Hormone in order to counteract these symptoms. Low testosterone has multiple causes, ranging from eating the wrong foods to certain medications.
Let's take a look at what testosterone is, why it is so important, and what causes it to decrease over time.
Testosterone is a hormone found in humans, in both males and females. Other animals also create testosterone. In men, testosterone is primarily made by the testicles, by the Leygid cells in particular. In women, the ovaries produce it in smaller amounts.
Cholesterol is where everything starts. After it gets made into androstenedione, the body then converts it into testosterone. It directly acts on many tissues and gets made into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which then acts on the skin. In fact, this is the culprit for acne and male-patterned baldness. It also contributes to prostate disease and therefore needs to be kept at a moderate level.
Testosterone is often associated with puberty and sexual activity. This is due to the fact that it exponentially increases during puberty and is what drives the libido (or sex drive). It aids in the production of sperm.
Testosterone actually does more than just that. It helps to regulate how men store body fat, how their red blood cells reproduce, and how they build muscle and bone mass. Also, it plays a role in human mood.
Why does the human body needs it?
As already mentioned, testosterone does a lot of things for the human body throughout an individual's lifespan. And it does so for both men and women. During puberty, testosterone helps the voice deepen, pubic hair grow, and aids in growth in general. In other words, it is an active component in the pubescent growth spurt that leads us all into young adulthood.
Testosterone is important for the human sex drive. It even helps women secrete vital hormones during their menstrual cycles.
Even more importantly, testosterone is needed to make red blood cells. Those with anemia tend to have low red blood cell counts. Older men can become anemic, and about one-third of them develop this with no known explanation. Testosterone levels are reduced in older men with anemia, leading scientists and doctors to see a correlation and try HGH treatments for these individuals. HGH treatments are FDA approved and completely safe. They do have a huge effect unlike testosterone boosters, and you can actually schedule your treatment online with a licensed physician on websites like Male Excel HRT.
Why can testosterone levels decrease?
Testosterone levels can decrease for any number of reasons. Humans are living increasingly sedentary lifestyles, are eating a lot of processed foods, taking a lot of medications, and are, of course, prone to injury. And then there's just getting older. Let's take a more detailed look at some of the reasons why testosterone levels decrease over time.
Getting older has its challenges, and for men (and some women), lower testosterone levels can be problematic. Testosterone levels peak at about age 30 and taper off from there. This is a normal part of the aging process.
Unfortunately, not everyone ages the same way. Studies show that about 5 percent of men between 50 and 59 have significantly lowered testosterone levels.
Testosterone production begins early on in males, as early as the seventh week of embryonic development. Levels drop after birth, but between ages six and eight, the adrenal gland kicks into high gear, resulting in puberty. Some men have high testosterone levels all their lives, but by age 40, levels are normally a bit low.
So, what is normal aging and what isn't? Testosterone levels can bounce around during any given 24-hour period, but normal levels are typically between 270 and 1,070 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL). The way testosterone travels through the blood matters too since it can bind with one of two proteins or travel completely on its own. The free and albumin-bound forms are the only biologically active ones, and those are the ones that count. Therefore, a man can be high in sex hormone-binding proteins but be low in bioavailable testosterone.
In other words, lowered levels are normal with age but can definitely vary.
The sedentary lifestyle can impact testosterone levels. One study found that sitting in front of a TV for multiple hours per day can decrease sperm count. Administering a growth hormone can help boost testosterone levels, but elevating one's physical activity seems to be beneficial as well.
A man who has endured testicular cancer or injury might have lowered testosterone levels. An interrupted blood flow to the testes can lead to years of damage and lowered testosterone. Certain infections also seem to cause lowered levels after damaging the testes.
There are some foods that kill testosterone. This is why men especially need to be careful of what they consume. According the report of well-known HRT clinic of Miami – foods associated with lowered testosterone levels include:
- soy and soy-based products
- mint
- vegetable oil
- flaxseed
- alcohol
- nuts
- processed foods (high in trans fats)
- licorice root
As with most everything, food is all about moderation.
Certain medications can impact testosterone levels. Antidepressants are most widely associated with lowered testosterone due to how they work on the brain. However, other prescription medications can cause lowered levels too. These meds include:
- Cimetidine (Tagamet)
- opioids
- Ketoconazole (Extina, Nizoral, Ketoderm)
- Spironolactone (Aldactone)
- chemotherapy drugs
Lowered testosterone levels can be successfully treated with the use of a growth hormone. Human Growth Hormone therapy might be able to help you reestablish your libido, feel more energized, and combat anemia symptoms by producing more red blood cells. Speak with one of our highly-skilled, knowledgeable professionals today about how HGH treatment might help you get your vitality back.
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